First, ensure you have a HTP Token supported wallet set up. We recommend Metamask for desktop and Trust Wallet for mobile. Click“ Connect Wallet” to allow HTP Token to interact with your wallet.
Visit the MetaMask website and choose your preferred browser for installing the MetaMask wallet widget.
Note: MetaMask is available in two forms: mobile app and web browser extension. This guide focuses on installing MetaMask as a web browser extension, however the process of installing MetaMask as a mobile app is similar.
Once installed, click “ Create a Wallet”.
You will now be asked to create a password. Make sure your password is complex and alphanumeric yet easily memorable.
You will now be asked to create a password. Make sure your password is complex and alphanumeric yet easily memorable.
If you or anyone enters these 12 words into MetaMask remotely, they will be able to access your wallet – so remember never to share your 12-word MetaMask recovery phrase with anyone.
By default, MetaMask only allows you to transact with the BNB (BEP20) network – so there is no need to change the network within MetaMask to engage with the HTP token.
You will now need to import HTP Token to your MetaMask wallet. You can do this by clicking “Import Tokens” then submitting the HTP Token contract address.